Welcome to 2025 Avalon neighbors!
You are invited to become a member of the Avalon Beach Improvement Association for 2025! All property owners of lots located within the Avalon Beach area are eligible (one membership per property address). ABIA covers all lots from Sound to Ocean between (and including) Sportsman Drive and Durham Street. ABIA Members enjoy the benefits of one ocean front parking permit, one vote per household on Board representation and other important matters, a great fall picnic, and the satisfaction of contributing to their full-time or vacation community!
Avalon Beach is the only community on the Outer Banks with deeded access to ocean and sound front properties. Your ABIA membership contribution of $30.00 goes a long way toward protecting your own property values by enabling our community Association to properly maintain and insure these waterfront properties — you get a great personal return on your investment, too!
Will Foxwell
President, ABIA
Register Now Online
Membership Registration Form
Membership registration and payment form for ABIA.